About me:

I'm a senior at Wayne High School in Huber Heights, Ohio. I enjoy writing, music, and telling stories. Below is a selection of things I made during my Digital Design class. These are the things that I either am most proud of or were the most fun to make. I graduate in 2018. I have three brothers, three sisters, and a pet turtle (It's my sister's but I'm counting it). If I had to pick a favorite project, I'd go with the Dragon Project (you can see it below). I spent a very long time on it, making sure every detail looked good. I went above and beyond and added extra heads and wings. I placed 2nd in the class (I was a bit bitter about this, but I'm over it now). My fondest memory from this class was placing in 3rd on the BPA test and moving on to state. Had a fun time with some people that were strangers to me before then. I'm unsure what the future holds for me and my plans are not well thought-out. I'd like to create indie games. Notoriously soul-crushing business where luck reigns supreme. Maybe I have the chops for it, who knows.
Dragon Project
An Original .gif
Pop-Out Project
Download Animation Presentation